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FOIA Requests

In addition to information available on the Illinois Gaming Board's website, you can request information that is available through the Freedom of Information Act. 5 ILCS 140/1 et seq. ("FOIA") . 

FOIA requests may be submitted via our Online Inquiry & Submission Form. Once directed to the online inquiry form, you will select FOIA Requests in the first drop down menu labeled Category or mailed to the address below:

    FOIA Officer
    Illinois Gaming Board
    160 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 300
    Chicago, IL 60601

All FOIA requests will be responded to within 5 business days starting the first business day after the Illinois Gaming Board receives the request. If additional time is needed, the IGB must notify the requester within 5 business days after the receipt of the request of the statutory reasons for the extension and when the requested information will be produced. The Illinois Gaming Board's business hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 pm except legal holidays.

For media inquiries, please visit our Online Inquiry & Submission Form. Once directed to the online inquiry form, you will select Media Inquiries in the first drop down menu labeled Category