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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

Laws & Regulations

Illinois Gambling Act

The Illinois Gambling Act (230 ILCS 10) is available online on the Illinois General Assembly website.

A hard copy of the Act can be found in the printed Illinois Compiled Statutes (any publisher), which is available at all law libraries and many public libraries. Go to 230 ILCS 10/1 et seq. If referencing a hard copy, make sure you look at the latest edition plus any supplements, as the Act has undergone numerous changes which may not be included in an older edition.


Adopted Rules

A copy of the Adopted Rules implementing the Illinois Gambling Act, 230 ILCS 10 is available online on the Illinois General Assembly website.

The following adopted rule(s) are effective but have not been published in the Illinois Register.

No adopted rules are pending publication at this time.

Emergency Rules

An emergency rule is an adopted rule which becomes immediately effective upon first filing with the Secretary of State and automatically expires after 150 days.

No emergency rules at this time.

Proposed Rules

Proposed Rules are rules that are authorized and submitted to Secretary of State and Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR). Each of these rulemakings has been filed with the Secretary of State on First Notice but has not yet been finally adopted. For each rulemaking, there is a link to the edition of the Illinois Register where the rulemaking appears and a specific page citation within that edition. Under the Illinois Administrative Code, there is a maximum of one year between the date a proposed permanent rule is filed in the Illinois Register and the date it is adopted.

January 26, 2024 - Volume 48, Issue 4, page 1564 WITHDRAWN

August 16, 2024  - Volume 48, Issue 33, page 12120

Minimum Internal Control Standards (MICS)

Approved Minimum Internal Control Standards (MICS)

Minimum Internal Control Standards (MICS) are guidelines issued by the Illinois Gaming Board, which are used by each Owners Licensee and Organization Gaming Licensee to establish their own set of Internal Controls as required by the IGB's Rules. As used in these MICS, the phrase Owners Licensees also refers to Organization Gaming Licensees.

Proposed Changes to Minimum Internal Control Standards (MICS)

The Illinois Gaming Board solicits comments prior to approval of changes to Minimum Internal Control Standards. Please submit comments by the indicated date via our Online Inquiry Form. Once directed to the online inquiry form, you will select MICS in the first drop down menu labeled Category.

No proposed changes at this time.

Records Retention Schedule

Adopted Rule Section 3000.115 requires holders of Owners Licenses and Supplier Licenses to maintain records in accordance with a Records Retention Schedule.

Records Retention Schedule (updated April 2021)

Ethical Conduct Violation Submission

Emergency Rule 3000.190 clarifies the definition of "applicant" under section 5.3(j) of the Illinois Gambling Act to include "any person or entity which has directly or indirectly expressed interest to an official or employee of a host community in obtaining an owners license under the Act in that host community, regardless of whether that person or entity has submitted an application to the Illinois Gaming Board." Section 5.3(j) requires disclosure of any communication between any applicant and a host community concerning any matter relating in any way to gaming. Emergency Rule 3000.190 further requires all applicants and licensees to disclose potential or actual violations of Section 5.3 of the Act, including but not limited to: (1) violations by the applicant, licensee, or its agents or employees; (2) violations by any other applicant, licensee, or their agents or employees; or (3) violations by any current or former official or employee of a host community, or their spouse, child, or parent. Please visit our Online Inquiry Form to make any Rule 3000.190 disclosures to the Illinois Gaming Board. Once directed to the online inquiry form, you will select Ethical Conduct Violations in the first drop down menu labeled Category.
