About IGB Meetings
Illinois Gaming Board Meetings are conducted pursuant to the Open Meetings Act. Meeting agendas are posted 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date and time. Typically, open session meetings of the IGB are held on the 5th Floor of the Michael A. Bilandic building located at 160 N. LaSalle St.
If you wish to be make a public comment at the IGB Meeting and therefore be listed on the agenda under "public commentary" you must submit your request in writing prior to the posting of the agenda. Requests will not be accepted once the agenda has been posted. To submit a request please contact us via our Online Inquiry & Submission Form. Once directed to the online inquiry form, you will select Board Meeting Public Commentary Inquiries in the first drop down menu labeled Category.
Note: If an IGB Meeting is not held during a calendar month, any licenses that indicate they expire that month will continue without interruption until the next IGB Meeting is held.
All Illinois Gaming Board Meetings will be conducted in-person with the ability to also livestream the Meetings. The link to the livestream meeting is https:multimedia.illinois.gov/igb/igb-live.html. The livestream will be available via the link above on the morning of each meeting. The link will also be included in the Notice required by the Open Meetings Act that is posted with the agenda.